Fight Without Fighting - A T'ai Chi Ch'uan Approach to Communication
T'ai chi ch'uan is an unusual martial art in that it does not meet force with force. Instead, its goal is harmony – yin/yang. I took T'ai chi ch'uan many years ago, and I recall one particular lesson where my instructor showed our class the essential principles of conflict. He pointed out two common flaws in how people deal with conflict.
Avoid These Five Meeting Vampires
Normal vampires suck your blood. Meeting vampires suck away your productive time. In both cases, you feel awful after they’ve had their way with you.
How Google Analytics Just Blew Up Your Social Media Strategy (In a Good Way)
For most companies, social media marketing is a source of engagement that usually occurs near the top of the conversion funnel. It’s generally accepted that visitors from social media sources typically don’t perform macro conversions (e.g. ecommerce sales or contact form submissions) directly from their social media visit, but usually come back later through another medium such as organic search, paid search, or an affiliate site.
The Pros & Cons of Irish Clients
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we've decided to highlight some of our favorite clients: The Irish.
Rambunctious, slightly pugilistic, and always fun to be around, the Irish share many of the same pros and cons of our other clients; just with a few interesting quirks. Here's a list of some of the most interesting things we've observed in our experience with Irish clients.
Exploring New Paths to Great Creative Strategies Part 1: Redefining The Brief
Too many agency strategists still conduct their work the same way they’ve done it for decades. The same focus groups. The same ad testing. The same creative briefs. This status quo can frustrate client-side marketers. They know that using the same old strategies is just, well, bad strategy.
Social is Big, But Mobile is the Future - An Interview with Lance Weatherby, Half Off Depot
Lance Weatherby is well-known in Georgia’s marketing and technology communities. Previously a Startup Catalyst at the Advanced Technology Development Center at Georgia Tech, Weatherby’s professional achievements and positive impact on Georgia’s technology community are significant. He spearheaded the effort to bring Startup Weekend to Atlanta, led CipherTrust’s marketing efforts, launched EarthLink’s wireless group and directed business development, marketing, product development and product management at MindSpring. Before taking on the role of Half Off Depot’s COO in November 2011, Lance previously served as the company’s vice president of business development and sales. Lance recently sat down with Nebo to discuss the latest interactive marketing trends and how they are impacting businesses.