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Articles written by
Fran Pass
Paid Social Specialist
July 14, 2023

Why Pinterest Should Be Your New Advertising Bestie

You’ve been on Pinterest, but have you been on Pinterest lately? No, I don’t mean for finding your next sheet pan meal, but for the purposes of advertising. Pinterest was born as a source of inspiration, but it has evolved since the days of saving that *perfect* Polyvore collage for your totally fetch outfit. Pinterest is now a place where organic content can enjoy a long life and sync with paid efforts to create a full-funnel strategy on the platform. In short, it’s time to meet your new advertising bestie.

January 24, 2023

Your Journey to Find Love (with a Marketing Agency) Begins Now


Hours of time invested. Pouring over all the options to narrow it down to the perfect match. Putting your best foot forward to feel that *spark*. Dealing with the unexpected to hold out for a lasting, loving relationship. 

November 11, 2022

Kiss, Marry, Kill: Black Friday Edition

Cool girl in front of black background, holding a black shopping bag

Black Friday starts NOW! 
Door Busters you can’t miss!!
Holiday deals all month long!!!

Has your inbox been bombarded with headlines like this, seemingly starting earlier each holiday season? For many years, Black Friday has been considered the high holy day of shopping, with people making lists and checking them twice to purchase all their holiday gifts in one fell swoop.