True Love

Love is a word that gets thrown around a lot and sometimes loses its meaning. I love my job. I love my car. I love my phone. I love my new "insert material item here". It's so easy to get wrapped up in on our day-to-day lives and careers and our material possessions. Sometimes we need to be reminded about what's truly important.

When it comes to our jobs, we don't work so hard, or care so much, or obsess over deadlines and deliverables to simply be a labor output. To simply get the job done.

We do it because we have people in our lives that we'd do anything for. We want to make their lives better. We want to make our parents proud. We want to build a foundation for our kids' future. We want our dogs and cats to have amazing lives. We do it so the world is a better place - even if we can only see the impact with our immediate loved ones.

This week, a few of our Nebo peers faced hardships we can't imagine. It's times like these that we need to remember what love really means.

True love is a father's love of his daughter. True love is a dog's undying love and devotion to his family. True love is reserved for those we'd do anything for. True love isn't definable by words. It's something that transcends and is beyond our verbal capabilities.

I wish I knew something I could do or say to lessen their pain. I don't. But we can all take the opportunity to remember to hug our loved ones. Cherish them. To make them the number one priority in our lives. To not create organizational cultures where we're expected to work all hours of the night and weekend. To not create organizational peer pressure that demands career above all else.

And we can say we're sorry for your loss and that we love you.

Written by Brian Easter on December 10, 2013


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Sarah says:

Much love to you Nebo team, I'll be thinking of you and sending my *love* in that direction.

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Written by
Brian Easter