E Pluribus Unum: The Top Ad Campaigns That Bring Us Together


Regardless of what side of the aisle you’re on, I think we’d all agree that we’re living in tumultuous times.

It’s not a surprise that anything seemingly kumbaya is met with opposition and backlash. But here at Nebo, being kumbaya is pretty important to us. We believe that diversity and inclusion are what make our country, and our company, great.

We believe in ideas, not parties. Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, liberal or conservative. Regardless of religion, gender, nationality, sexual orientation or race.

You’re welcome at Nebo.

Hate be damned. Bigotry be damned. Sexism be damned. Racism be damned. Homophobia be damned. Classism be damned. Xenophobia be damned. Demagogues be damned.

We’re not here to fight political battles or argue over ideology. We don’t want to divide our office, country, or humanity. We all love. We all matter. We’re all equal. We’re all human.

So today, on Valentine’s Day, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate campaigns that highlight our values. Our views. The love of humanity and inclusion.

These campaigns show how we’re at our best when we’re focused on what unites us, rather than divides us.


10. Coca-Cola “Small World Machines”


Coca-Cola uses a moment of happiness to bring India and Pakistan, two sworn enemies, together by focusing on what binds us as humans.

9. Nike “Equality”


If we can be equal on the court, we can be equal everywhere. Nike redraws the lines of the playing field, because equality has no boundaries.

8. Denmark TV2 “All We Share”


TV2 in Denmark shows that humans don’t belong in boxes in their “All We Share” campaign.

7. Save the Children “Second a Day”


One second a day is all it takes to show the destruction of a British girl’s life. This powerful Save the Children ad highlights the devastating effects of war on children — reminding us that just because it isn’t happening in our backyard, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

6. Momondo “The DNA Journey”


Momondo’s DNA tests give proud patriots an insight into their diverse heritage. It’s a powerful step in the battle against xenophobia.

5. Guinness “Friendship”


Guinness uses an intense game of wheelchair basketball between friends to show that it’s our choices that define us.

4. Android “Friends Furever”


Friendship isn’t about what you look like, it’s about who you are. Nothing exemplifies that better than these inter-species friendships.

3. Ad Council “Love Has No Labels”


Love has no age. Love has no gender. Love has no disability. Love has no race. The Ad Council reminds us that it’s what’s on the inside that counts.

2. Benetton “Unhate”


The United Colors of Benetton made waves with their Unhate campaign. With so much hate in our world, it’s important to remember their “simple and powerful message of tolerance and peace.”

1. Coca-Cola “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke”


This is the gold standard by which all other ads are measured, created by arguably the best marketing organization on the planet. It’s rare that an ad becomes ingrained in our culture the way “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” did in 1971. Coca-Cola brought us a message of togetherness that is both timeless and beautiful.

What Matters

If big corporations and ad agencies across the globe can remember that being human is about love, acceptance and kindness, then maybe we can make the world a little better today by loving everyone, not just our significant others.

Love trumps hate. Love wins. Love is all that matters.

Written by Brian Easter on February 14, 2017


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Thanks Todd! The Google ad is awesome as well. Narrowing down to 10 was basically impossible :-)

Todd Slutzky says:

Ok. I'm sitting here crying at my desk. And it reminded me of the wonderful Google Search ad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHGDN9-oFJE

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Written by
Brian Easter