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Articles written by
Joy Brandon
Director of SEO
June 22, 2020

This Pride Month Is Historic — Let’s Keep That Momentum Going

Five years ago I was sitting at my desk at Nebo when the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of marriage equality in the landmark case Obergefell v. Hodges. I say sitting at my desk, not working, because I had been glued to the SCOTUS live blog that whole morning, impatiently waiting for the ruling. When it was announced, I was flooded with relief and excitement­. I feverishly texted my then-girlfriend plans to meet and get a celebratory lunch. We got lobster rolls at The Optimist, a place around the corner from the old Nebo office. 

We toasted to love winning. 

May 22, 2019

How to E-A-T, Speak & Breathe Schema Markup

Right now, most SEO’s are adapting their strategies to optimize for a radically changing age of discovery. We are looking to optimize for E-A-T (or Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness, which is the acronym for how Google defines quality content), capture user attention with on-SERP optimization, and make a splash in voice search. However, many of the recommendations for tackling those three items boil down to “have a great site” or “produce great content”. If that makes you want to pull your hair out, you aren’t alone.

Luckily, structured data markup is the trusted tool in your SEO toolkit that can help you gain a competitive advantage in all three of those areas.

September 6, 2018

SEO Curb Appeal: Optimizing the Branded SERP

When it comes to setting an SEO strategy, the branded Search Engine Results Page (SERP) can often be taken for granted. In most cases, ranking well for your brand name is a bit of a gimme. In the before-times of ten blue links, it was enough to have well-written metadata for your homepage and about us page that prominently featured your brand name and had a compelling call to action.

January 12, 2018

Robots, Mobile & More Robots: A Review of the Top SEO Predictions for 2018

It’s that time of year again. That special season when Oprah quotes are particularly inspiring. The time to reflect on the past year and look eagerly to the next. The time to hope against hope that the weight you gained from subsisting on cookies alone for five straight weeks will melt off in a singular hour at the gym. Yep, it’s New-Year-New-You time!

But, worry not, this post isn’t about resolutions (which, let’s face it, some of us have already broken). It’s about New-Year-New-You’s sidekick, Predictions for the Coming Year. It is this time when we marketers are oft inspired to gaze into our crystal balls and pull out prophecies for the coming year. We all get real fired up on the promise of qualified growth that we’ve included in each of the strategy presentations we developed over the past few months, and we get inspired to spread the word.

September 8, 2017

An Open Letter to the Best-Worst People I’ve Ever Met

It’s my last day in the Nebo office, and it’s bittersweet. It’s been two and a half years, and a great two and a half  years. In my time here I’ve learned more about SEO than I ever thought possible. I've petted countless adorable dogs, eaten lots of cookies, and had the privilege to work with some seriously awesome and talented people.

But sometimes, even awesome people suck. And I’m not afraid to tell them.