NeboWeb Book Club: Positioning (the battle for your mind)

One of our 2009 goals was to create a team work environment that fostered peer learning. So, we decided to start a company book club. The first book we decided to tackle was the marketing classic, "Positioning."

Here at neboweb, we do our book clubs a little bit different. We don't just sit around and talk about the books -- we work to apply the concepts. I was given the honor and responsibility of leading our inaugural session.

We started out reviewing the key concepts laid out in the book, and then we started a real world positioning exercise on how to brand the city of Atlanta to attract more tourists. If anyone is interested in the final concept we developed, I'll create a follow up blog post with the team's positioning work.

The presentation is above for those of you that might be interested.

Written by Adam Harrell on January 30, 2009


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Adam Harrell