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Articles written by
Meghan Smith
Associate Director of Content
June 30, 2021

Ethics in Copywriting: When Your Words are Powerful

How many times has "Just Do It" crossed your mind as you've laced up for a workout, even if you're not wearing anything made by Nike?

As a copywriter, I understand the power of words. They can shape how people perceive a company or product. Beyond that, they can impact our beliefs and self-image. And they can even transform how we view our world and experience our culture. 

Words influence. Inspire. Motivate.

November 5, 2019

The One About Slack Ruining Productivity

Twenty-three minutes and 15 seconds. That’s the length of a “Friends” episode — and also how long it takes to refocus after being interrupted, according to widely supported research by the University of California.

Enter Slack. 

Slack, a team collaboration tool that makes it easy for us to share cat pics and ask for unscheduled things immediately, is an interruption generator. Making strides on your presentation? Not so fast. There’s a cake in the kitchen and someone has a “quick” question about a project you worked on two years ago. 

Then there are GIF important conversations about decisions GIF that will impact an entire GIF project GIF GIF peppered between jokes, so GIF silencing notifications is not GIF an option. 

How do I feel about all of this? I’m fine, in the most Ross-is-not-okay kind of way.