
For more than 100 years, Goody has produced a variety of hair accessories and styling tools for women.


Their newest product, the QuikStyle Paddle Brush, was poised to make a splash but needed the exposure to do so. Goody's Quikstyle Paddle Brush, which uses microfibers to dry as it styles, is a product that offers useful applications to an enormous audience of female "trendy spenders." So with the launch, it came down to reaching them.


Nebo took up the mantle in the quest for awareness before the audience dried up. To combat a lack of awareness, we created full paid media campaigns that reached users in each step of their decision cycle.

We built paid display and social campaigns to reach the audience in the awareness stage, keyword and video ad campaigns to target the audience as they considered QuikStyle or similar competitor products and remarketing campaigns to drive the audience to purchase.

To reach the audience, drive them along the buying cycle and address the issue of a lack of understanding of how the product worked, we:

  • Concepted and built interactive ads allowing consumers to "use" the product, demonstrating how it works
  • Designed and tested "B" version of the landing page, which outperformed the original by a 300% higher conversion rate
  • Purchased media with Cosmo, Seventeen and Allure, incorporating QuikStyle into content such as Cosmo's Holiday Gift Guide and the magazine's Facebook posts
  • Implemented display campaigns including YouTube image and pre-roll video ads (achieving a 30% completion rate—twice the standard)
  • Implemented Facebook campaigns, targeting users with relevant demographics and interests, reaching 38 million

The Bottom Line

74 M.
Paid Campaign Impressions
33 M.
Display Impressions
Conversion Rate

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