
FLEX-Drain is an innovative drainage pipe that saves time, money, and elbow grease when building drainage systems. Unfortunately, contractors and landscapers were slow to embrace this new product.


FLEX-Drain wanted to make a splash in the marketplace, convincing hard-to-impress contractors and landscapers that their flexible drainage pipe worked better than the competition. With Nebo’s help, the challenge against “the other guys” was on!


Nebo designed a website that boasts FLEX-Drain’s benefits through instructional and comparative videos, testimonials from contractors, and an interactive tool that helps users plan their drainage system. The design also made it much easier to find retailers that sell FLEX-Drain’s products, and for contractors to learn more about how these products work.

To communicate the benefits in a way that spoke to FLEX-Drain’s target audience, we:

  • Concepted and filmed the FLEX-Drain challenge, with two teams battling it out, to show that FLEX-Drain’s products were faster to install and lowered labor costs.
  • Created a 3D rendering of a house with common drainage problems to help people diagnose their issues.
  • Filmed instructional videos showing FLEX-Drain in action and why it is easier to install.
  • Filmed contractor testimonials to provide peer-based social proof.


In addition, Nebo created digital marketing campaigns with the goals of increasing awareness and driving end users to local retailers that carry FLEX-Drain’s products. The SEO efforts were comprised of on-page best practices and an off-page digital marketing strategy that engaged the target audience and educated them about the product’s use. The creation and optimization of paid media campaigns involved search and display networks, as well as the creation of landing pages that provided valuable experiences to different target audiences.

  • Implemented highly targeted campaigns and ad groups that utilized day-parting to create time-sensitive bids.
  • Achieved a PPC conversion rate of 15.20%, an increase of 67.8% since the new site launch.
  • Organic traffic increased 451% since the new site launch.
  • Total site conversions increased 236% since the new site launch.

The Bottom Line

Organic Traffic
Site Conversions
PPC Conversion Rate

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