We Can’t Hug Our Moms This Year, But We Can Still Celebrate Them

This Mother’s Day is a tough one for many. Typically, we take this day to give our gratitude to the women in our lives who have molded us into who we are. We bring them flowers, take them to the spa or simply spend the day together.

This year, canceled plans, slow shipping times and social distancing measures have made giving our moms the day they deserve a challenge. But here at Nebo, we’re rising to it. 

We’re using the power of poetry to honor the women who raised us, from our moms and stepmoms to our aunts, grandmothers, friends, and neighbors. Our employees wrote haiku that showcase their love for an influential motherly figure in their life. Some are funny, some are heartfelt, but the message remains the same: we love our moms. 

We hope you enjoy reading these as much as we enjoyed writing them.

Pete Lawton
Mama, Mommy, Mom
Call her whatever you want
Just give her a call
Sherry Hopkins
Water balloons filled
Back of the station wagon
She drove, we threw...FUN!
Jennifer Vickery
Mom is your first fan. 
She hears, “Look what I can do…”
applauds tenth lame dive.
Emily van den Berg
“Our Time” 
You always tell me
the time I was born. Now at
two, I think of you.
Cael Olsen
Silence — stop in Time
reflect on a life spent through Love
Space for tearful Thanks
Amanda Oliver
Hair tall, wisdom great.
Buys in bulk and shares the wealth.
You know who: it's mom.
Haley Filippone
“Sorry mom, I love you” 
Wrote you this haiku 
I forgot to mail your gift
Adulting is hard
Nile Livingston
Thoughtful and giving,
Unbroken strength, determined:
A mother of one.
Jessica Burns
My Mom calls me 'boo'
That's the way she says, 'love you!'
Mom -- you're my 'boo' too!
Alejandra Borocz-Cohen
"Dear Mom"
Sweetest gift in life
Everlasting love and light
Thanks mom, for it all
Lucy Allison 
she is my hero
a strong, bold, joyful presence
always there for me
Annie Martin
“Thank You”
Rides to swim practice
Homecooked meals made every night 
Selfless and caring
Chelsie Buckley 
A bell rings at dawn—
“Mother laughed at an image.”
Moon sets on group text.
Amanda Stanley
Stuck at home with cats 
Lots of Netflix and red wine 
This year's Mothers day
Alyssa Armstrong
Mom, you are my rock 
I love you more than cookies
and I LOVE cookies
Anna Morgan 
“A Super Deep Haiku About Selfless Mom”
Me. Me. ME. Me! Meeee.
Me. Me. me. Mmmmme. Me ... Me ... me.
Happy You Day, Mom.
Orlagh O'Rourke
I know I’m a pest
But you are truly the best
There is no contest
Amber Hagans
my momma dearest
you slay, just like Beyonce
'cause of you, I slay
Kerry Liebling
mom, you are the best!
always there, you are my rock
can you find my sock?
Written by Chelsie Rivera on May 8, 2020


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Written by
Chelsie Rivera
Associate Director of Content